Wherever you go you keep it in your heart.
During my wonderful trip to Marocco I stayed one night on the desert in the Berber's tent.
I couldn't imagine more beautiful stars on the sky...
Besides noisy songs over flames of fire I encountered rare touch of silence ringing in my ears...
I miss it so much in messy suburbs, in the city jam of Warsaw during regular day...
Here the time was running in a different rythm. No clock was necessery. It was enough just observing the track of sun on the sky over the Atlas mountains...
Dissimilar sensations...
And constant collection of variable feelings, thoughts and conclusions...
The core is being keept always with us.
Even a very low night temperature couldn't influence the interior warmth.
Some camel blankets helped a lot but it is different layer of perception. The fisical one only.
Desert learns humilty.
I found myself more closed, withdrawn, just watching and absorbing, like the foam, everything possible around me ...
Nice feeling when words are very unnecessary. . .
I took my home with myself to Marrakesh and after that to Poland...
It was enriched with some more other surveillances...
It was a great experience.
Anyway sweet home is the best place to appreciate trips (which can become really very addictive..!).
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